Parents Guide to Rowing
Rowing is an awesome sport. What the rowers can achieve is breathtaking. However, if your child has just started to row it is a long journey from novice to first eight. They will learn a new rowing language, become fantastically fit, make lasting friendships and have great fun. So will you.
For non rowers, the enthusiasm and dedication that these rowers have can be difficult to understand.
This book, for parents whose children have started to row, includes sections on: learning to row, boat clubs, safety, health, training and kit, nutrition and hydration, different types of boats and how coaches make selections events, Regattas, Heads and GB rowing rowing terminology. It's aimed at parents of junior rowers but will be useful to parents of any age of rower,
"A guide like this one would have been a huge help to my parents over the years….This book will be useful to you whether you're a complete newcomer or a seasoned supporter, and you may even be tempted to give rowing a try yourself!" extract from the foreword by Katie Greves GB Rower.